Ubuntu tips: Add a PPA and update only that one

If you use ubuntu, you most probably have added some ppa-s in your system.
The problem is you have to update all the software sources after adding a ppa by `apt-get update` which is time consuming if you have a lot of software sources.

Y PPA Manager helps to cut down the process. You can only update that ppa easily with Y PPA Manager.

To show you how easy it is you need to execute command



sudo update-ppa ppa:videolan/stable-daily

This will add (if you haven’t already added the ppa) and update the ppa for you.

    To install Y PPA Manager:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager #for the last time
sudo apt-get update #for the last time
sudo apt-get install y-ppa-manager

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